“Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte,
estás atento a la voz de nuestra súplica,
déjanos encontrar en ti,
consuelo en nuestra tristeza,
certeza en nuestra duda,
y coraje para vivir esta hora.
Fortalece nuestra fe.
Because we die, nothing is important.
This idea leads me to explore what death means to me. Diving into the folklore and history of my ancestors, I found comfort in the concept of a deity, Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte. A female personification of death is associated with healing and a safe passage to the afterlife.
SANTAMUERTE is my way of using my art to explore those ideas of death. Our Lady of Holy Death is that not of fear or sadness but of peace and comfort in dying. Having her be seen as the guiding light to a peaceful transition to the next journey of our being.
“Our Lady of Holy Death,
deliver them from all anguish and distress,
release them in your grace,
and take them to yourself in your kingdom.